Wesley Blog
We want our blog to capture life at Wesley and it's community. We want to hear your stories! We'll write it for you or you can write a guest blog piece :)
Creative-minded? We’re looking for young people to get involved. Fancy making content for our website/blog or photographing events? Get in touch with our Web & Social Media Manager if this sounds like you :)
Words from Bede Circuit
“Stories help us to better understand the world around us, our relationships with other people, and even ourselves. We use them in our daily life and work; churches and other communities use them to build from within and to reach out to others; and stories enrich our knowledge of God and help us grow in faith.”
Words from Bede Circuit
Masks? Yes or No. Opening Churches? Yes or No. Slimming clubs using our buildings? Yes or No? Hugging? Singing? Meeting for coffee? No.
If you are like me it is and continues to be difficult getting your head around all the guidelines from government, church, hearing other people’s interpretations of these. What is it we can do and what is it we can’t ?