July / August: A word from Richard

Dear Friends

Is this the summer edition already? Where did that time go? Let's hope this is going to be a good summer, a summer we remember for the right reasons. Not everyone likes hot weather all the time, but a few weeks of sunshine and warmer temperatures put a smile on most faces.

I've been thinking a lot about memories just recently. Summer is a time when memories are made; memories of family holidays, trips to the seaside, walks along the beach, barbeques in the garden and so on. So I hope for everyone reading this that during these summer months of 2014 you will be able to create lasting memories of good experiences. 

But if the weather is wet and miserable or, more significantly, if your circumstances are such that fun, laughter and good times are out of reach, or if it seems everyone else is having a great time and you have been forgotten then be assured, you are not alone.

One of my favourite Old Testament verses if from Isaiah 49, "Can a mother forget her nursing child? Can she feel no love for the child she has borne? But even if that were possible, I would not forget you! See I have written your name on the palms of my hands." No one has forgotten, and as a church we have some rather wonderful visitors who live out their faith by calling on people and reminding them they've not forgotten. We are grateful for them and the sunshine they bring!

I hope your memories of this summer will consist of sunshine, friendship and love. 

Very best wishes



Cream Tea at Kibblesworth Methodist


June: A word from Richard