Wesley Blog

We want our blog to capture life at Wesley and it's community. We want to hear your stories! We'll write it for you or you can write a guest blog piece :)

Creative-minded? We’re looking for young people to get involved. Fancy making content for our website/blog or photographing events? Get in touch with our Web & Social Media Manager if this sounds like you :)

Mar: Thoughts from Huw
Brenda Wallace Brenda Wallace

Mar: Thoughts from Huw

In the month of March we begin the holy season of Lent. This is a time to look at our lives. Lent challenges us to change what needs to be changed. If we wish to to change the outer aspects of our lives we must first change the inner attitudes of our minds….

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Dec: Thoughts from Huw
Thoughts from Huw Brenda Wallace Thoughts from Huw Brenda Wallace

Dec: Thoughts from Huw

It is during the season of Advent that we prepare and plan for Christmas. It is a very busy time for many of us and in the hustle and bustle of the festive preparations we can quite easily forget what the season is all about.

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