Feb: Thoughts from Huw

Dear Friends,

We had some wonderful services and events at Wesley over Christmas and New Year. Thank you for your help and making the Church look so beautiful over the festive period. Now we are ‘back to reality’ and as we start the new year I would like to share a prayer from Sister Joyce Rupp O.S.M who is a Roman Catholic author and speaker.

Response : God, surprise us again.

When we miss the beauty and glory of earth’s goodness ...
When we grow too accustomed to life’s busyness...
When the goodness of others gets lost in the rush...
When our frailty outruns our strength...
When the hope in our heart fades away...
When the call to serve others loses its flavour...
When we search for the way home to you...
When loneliness pursues us...
When it seems the darkness will never give way to the light...
When the ache of the world wears our compassion thin...
When the troubles of others seem more than we can carry...
When even you seem far away from us..

Response: Walk closely with us

As we strive to live our lives well...
As we enjoy the treasures we’ve found in the field of faith...
As we continue to surrender ourselves to you...
As we journey into the unknown territory of a new year...
As we hurt in the process of loving our enemies...
As we learn to accept our weaknesses and our strengths...
As we open our hearts to the messengers you send to us...
As we stay faithful to our relationship with you...
As we give ourselves to the poor and the powerless...
As we keep searching for the truth...
As we try to live in the heart of the scriptures...
As we accept your constant love for us...

God of this new year, we are walking into mystery. We face the future, not knowing what the days and months will bring to us or how we will respond. Be love in us as we journey. May we welcome all who come our way. Deepen our faith to see all of life through your eyes. Fill us with hope and an abiding trust that you dwell in us amidst our joys and sorrows. Thank you for the treasure of our faith life. Thank you for the gift of being able to rise each day with the assurance of your walking through the day with us. God of this new year, we praise you. Amen

With good wishes


Mar: Thoughts from Huw


Dec: Thoughts from Huw