Mar: Thoughts from Huw

Dear Friends

In the month of March we begin the holy season of Lent. This is a time to look at our lives. Lent challenges us to change what needs to be changed. If we wish to to change the outer aspects of our lives we must first change the inner attitudes of our minds. Change can be both painful and liberating. Change requires the substituting of new habits for old ones. As the saying goes ‘out with the old and in with the new’! It requires self discipline which is never easy. We have to be strong, get a grip and try to command ourselves and make ourselves do what needs to be done. A change of heart can happen through the power of prayer. Through prayer, the power of Christ becomes available to us.

Lent is the Church’s ‘holy spring’. It is not just about ‘do's and don’ts’ but is a time of joy, because we are preparing for Easter. It challenges us to let go of old habits and to clothe ourselves in newness of life! 

Once again we will have a Lent study with our friends at Sheriff Hill starting on Tuesday 11th March at the Gathering beginning at 2pm. This year we will be looking at themes in John’s Gospel. I hope you can attend and look forward to seeing you.

Best wishes


Feb: Thoughts from Huw