June: A word from Richard
Dear Friends
Tesla is an American company that is known for the development and manufacture of cars powered by electricity. Last month in a blizzard of publicity the company announced the release of Powerwall. Powerwall may well be a breakthrough product. It is a battery for use in the home that will store electricity generated by solar power and allow the electricity stored to be used when the sun is not shining. We may soon all have solar panels on our roofs.
Power and energy use are big topics. Gas and electricity bills have risen hugely over recent years, burning fossil fuels continues to pollute the planet, renewables are much more mainstream. All of this is important because we have a power hungry lifestyle. We are having to think about the sources of our power more than ever.
When we switch an electric heater on we know that the heat is generated by the electricity that flows into the heater. But we don’t know how that electricity was generated, what the source of the power is. It may have come from coal, gas, nuclear, biomass, wind or solar to name but a few. It probably comes from a combination of sources.
However all we want to know is that when we switch on the heater it works and we feel warm. But the heater won’t give out any heat unless there is a source of power to provide it.
Jesus in Luke 24:49 said, “See, I am sending upon you what the Father promised; so stay here in the city until you have been clothed with power from on high.”
The people that Jesus was talking to, went on to do some amazing things, beginning at Pentecost. And they were able to do amazing things because they were empowered by the Holy Spirit.
That same source of power is available to us today. You and I can do some amazing things even though we don’t feel particularly amazing.
We’re like the heater, which connected by electricity to the source of power produces heat. We, connected by faith to the Holy Spirit, produce, not heat, but love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control. This is what we know as the ‘fruit of the Spirit’.
Many years ago the church was jump started into life at Pentecost with a release of power that still flows today giving us as God’s people the power to love and give and share and heal in Jesus’ name. The Powerwall may well be a big step forward in our use of electrical power but the gift of the Holy Spirit will continue to release an even greater power, the power of love.
Grace and Peace