Situated in Low Fell, Gateshead, Wesley Memorial is a lively Methodist Church. We meet for worship at 10:30am every Sunday alongside our Younger Church, as well as providing facilities to bring the community together. 

Relax Kids comes to Wesley

Relax Kids Coach Karen Horner is now delivering two Relax Kids classes as part of our community programme at Wesley.

The community programme is built up of groups, clubs and classes who use our facilities. 

Relax Kids classes on offer are aimed at nursery and primary school aged children. They take place on a Saturday afternoon and they sound fantastic! Classes are named Magical Adventures and Little Stars; who wouldn't want to take part, right? 

Interested? Find out how your 'Little Stars' can join in and book classes via Karen on our Community Programme Page

Interested in our community programme - get an idea of who meets at Wesley here.

Have an idea for your own group - see if any of our spaces suite your needs.

Questions - say hello via email, drop us a message on Facebook, or ring our booking secretary directly :) 

Messy February

February: A Word from Richard