April: Thoughts from Huw
Dear Friends
Going for growth at Wesley!
I would like to draw your attention to our Church Annual General Meeting which will take place on Sunday 29th April following the morning service. After the usual business, I will be inviting us to respond to the question `Do we long for our church to grow?` Why? Because the Methodist Conference has instructed every Church across the Connexion to come up with a growth plan or an end of life plan over the next two years.
` Do we long for our Church to grow ? is an obvious question prompting, possibly, an obvious answer, but a question not to be taken lightly. For growth means change, and if we are to grow as a Church we shall have to change, just as our Church will need to change. Is there then that God giving longing for growth and change at Wesley?
To help us answer this question, I would like us to look at some key areas of Church life which are welcome, worship, nurture, pastoral care and communications. So, please ponder and reflect on this over Easter and come to the meeting with positive minds, open hearts andarmed with your thoughts and ideas. By the way, this is an open meeting and I would encourage you all to attend, if you can please. Everybody or anybody connected to Wesley is most welcome!
Coming to the end of Lent and looking forward to Easter and beyond, let me remind you of the words of Saint Augustine who said `We are Resurrection People and Alleluia is our song`.
With good wishes,
God Bless