June: Thoughts from Huw

Dear Friends

In our recent Church Growth discussions here at Wesley, lively conversations took place at the Annual General Church Meeting on the subject of `welcome`. We were reminded that welcome is one of the signs that a Church is alive. So, where are we now? Where could we go? and what could we do?

During this my first year with you and eight months down the line, I feel I can write to you as friends. I do so because of the way you have welcomed and supported me. I want to say a sincere `Thank You.`

It is appreciated more than you may know, and the way you have welcomed me and my family has helped us to feel very much at home. What I am trying to say is that it is `good` to be here.

The welcome and friendship that you have given has reminded me how special these expressions of Christian life are, and also to think how many people there are in the world, and even in our locality who are without a home and friends, and who are in need of such hospitality.

Our Lord Jesus Christ knew what it was to be homeless, a refugee, shunned and victimised, and also how life transforming the gift of friendship can be. We all need friends and we are encouraged as Christians to share the gift of friendship with others.

This month on the 15th - 17th June the Methodist Church is encouraging us to support the National Weekend of Invitation. We are being challenged to invite friends, neighbours and work colleagues to Church . It is an opportunity to tell others to come and see what we are about as the people of God. So, let us be bold and brave and invite someone to a service or one of the groups that are a part of Wesley Memorial Methodist Church. The most inviting and reassuring words on any church notice board should read `All are welcome.` Let`s do it!

With good wishes



July: Thoughts from Huw


Christian Aid Coffee Morning