Situated in Low Fell, Gateshead, Wesley Memorial is a lively Methodist Church. We meet for worship at 10:30am every Sunday alongside our Younger Church, as well as providing facilities to bring the community together. 

Words from Bede Circuit

Words from Bede Circuit

Dear Friends,

As I write this the sun is setting on a cloudy December day, the sky has an orangey grey tinge the last bit of the sun must be shining somewhere. Whatever we face God gives us hope wherever the darkness is God shines his light, in a struggling shrub we see somewhere that green shoot trying to progress. In a song by the singer Leonard Cohen there are the following words “there is a crack in everything that’s how the light gets in” In these times of short days we can we can find it difficult to see the light but don’t we say Jesus is the light of the world and in this advent time we look forward to the coming of Jesus . The shepherds were in awe by the brightness of the angels guiding them to the baby Jesus and the wiseman followed that bright star which directed them to stable. Let us seek the light, look for the cracks in everything allow the light of God into our lives.

In our houses we have windows that allow what light there is into our homes, we use the light during the day to see what we need to do to live and also to look out and see what is happening in our world. The other day I watched a few episodes of the Vicar of Dibley I had forgotten how good it was. In one episode after a great storm one of the stain glassed windows got damaged in the church after a tortuous parish council meeting (surely our Church councils would never be like that) they decide what the window portrayed but found it would cost a lot of money to replace. After finding a generous benefactor the window was repaired but in the meantime most of the money went to an earthquake appeal leaving the window a plain glass window that looked over the beautiful village. The sunlight bringing light into the church and in turn allowing the church to look out on the beauty of God ‘s creation. Perhaps we can question how the light gets into our churches and the thing about windows is that you see both ways through them, it is not a mirror with our images reflected back to us. The challenge to us is to see what is outside our churches as we look through those windows but also what do other people see if they look in. In the Vicar of Dibley they see the quirky church folk but church folk interested in the needs of real people in a earthquake disaster and acknowledging the beauty of the community in which they are a part. Do we as church look out as much as we should? So as we go through this advent season let us look for the light, help others to see the light and be a window which allows others to see God's kingdom here on earth


Newcastle Methodist District working with Premier Radio have launched “Carols on the Doorstep”, an initiative that has spread across the country. On Sunday 20th December at 5:30pm the whole country has the chance to join in. You are encouraged to invite your neighbours to join in using whatever means are safely available to you. If you have internet access, more details plus invitations can be found at CAROLS ON THE DOORSTEP or on the District Facebook page. Why not make your own invitations or poster to display in your street? Be creative!

On the day, you will need to have a radio at hand. That can be a DAB radio, Freeview on your TV (725) or the Premier Radio phone app. Premier Radio will play 3 or 4 carols for everyone to sing along to. This is a good chance to dust off that festive jumper or your most festive headwear if you like. It will be family-friendly so children are welcome to bring something to shake or rattle along too.

Some of our churches will be reopening for Sunday services but Sunday worship will continue on Zoom at 10.30am.

Monday evenings Zoom Bible studies at 7.00pm and Thursdays at 10.30am.

Wednesday prayers on Zoom at 10.00am.

Why-pay services by telephone and a Sunday worship sheet are also available.

Please contact the Senior Church Steward (Brenda Wallace) for more details:

With good wishes and prayers on behalf of the Bede Circuit staff team.

Revd Neil Maynard

District Phone-in Worship

District Phone-in Worship

Carols with Compassion