Words from Bede Circuit
Dear Friends
This coming Sunday will be the sixth that our churches have been closed! Where on earth has that time gone? It is often said “Time flies when you are having fun!” but this is one time when it is certainly NOT fun! New phrases have appeared in our vocabulary; “Have a good day” has been replaced with “Keep safe and well”. In these strange and difficult days, we are continuing to adopt a new way of living and being – and, yes, even a new way of being church. We are keeping in touch by letter, email, telephone and sharing in worship on TV, radio, telephone and the internet. The churches are empty but so was the tomb and WE are Easter people who follow a Risen Saviour. That turns every norm on its head!
The extension to the lockdown imposed by the government upon us means that, when we reach that point, it will have lasted about 7 weeks but, of course, it may well be extended again. It is interesting that, after His resurrection, Jesus spent 40 days (7 weeks) appearing to His disciples reassuring them that He had risen and that they would be filled with the Holy Spirit to continue. Wow! It took seven weeks in the company of the Risen Christ for them to be transformed! I’m pondering – will we be? I don’t know about you but, sometimes, at the end of a day, I’m just pleased to have survived it within the same four walls! Yet, why don’t we each use this time as a gift; time to renew ourselves for God’s mission when we return to our churches?
On Sunday, we will be hearing (or reading) another of Jesus’ resurrection appearances; that on the road to Emmaus. Two disciples were heading from Jerusalem towards Emmaus pondering everything that had happened to Jesus. Suddenly, a “stranger” joined them. They walked and talked together. On arriving at home, they invited Jesus in to share an evening meal with them. As He took bread, blessed and broke it, they suddenly recognised that it was Jesus then, just as quickly, He vanished again. The story of the Emmaus Road is my favourite Easter story simply because it reminds us that, in the ordinary everyday stuff of life, Jesus is with us. No lockdown restrictions will ever prevent our Risen Saviour being with us, in the solitariness and comfort of our homes, as we “break bread” each day. I hope you can take comfort, strength and hope from that knowledge.
In these days, we need to look after our own wellbeing as a priority but why not try to use the extra time and space we have to ponder all that God can and will do within us and through us? Last week, Rev Jane referred to a challenge shared by one of the circuit staff in a recent meeting:
“After the lockdown, will the church be resuscitated, or will it be resurrected?”
What will the church BE when we gather again? How can we use the time to prepare ourselves?
I pray that you will know our Risen Saviour in the ordinary everyday stuff of life and living.
There will be another time of worship on Sunday April 26th on Zoom starting at 10.30am. Steps have been taken this week to ensure that everyone can access the service by https://zoom.us/download.
Please continue to look after one another and if you need help or support then please contact your pastoral visitor or minister. Take care and stay safe.
With the prayers and good wishes of the Bede Methodist Circuit Staff
Revd Deborah Wainwright