Words from Bede Circuit

‘In God’s Hands’

I was reading an article this week with the powerful image of a boy kneeling in a street in India praying for an end to COVID -19. Profoundly touched by this show of innocence and simple but deep faith of the boy, the photographer asked him what he was praying for. His answer was even more simple and yet powerful. He was asking God for an end to COVID-19 and that he would be able to hug his grandparents again. I’m sure all of you will have more touching and inspiring stories and images in your own places of life and work.

Amid a pandemic like the COVID-19, many of us who are trying to live by our faith are offering prayers to God for an end to this scourge. And so, we continue to offer up prayers for those affected by the disease, committing them into God’s hands. We think of those ministering to the stricken by the virus in hospital, care homes, hospices and in the community. Also remembering those who have lost their lives and the families who mourn the dead. At the same time, as Christians, our faith must be demonstrated by our works. Our Christian faith urges us to reach out in a more tangible way also to others affected by the pandemic like the homeless, the hungry and the poor. Unlike those who are privileged and with means for their survival, who only have to fight corona virus, the poor and the homeless have to fight not only corona virus but hunger virus as well.

Then there are also many folk, young and old, struggling with mental health issues who during these strange times can become even more stressed and frightened. This is another group of God’s children who can often be ignored and forgotten. What can we do for these dear people?

It is good to note that our communities have been doing their bit to reach out to the underprivileged and the deprived through Food banks, neighbourly care and so many wonderful acts of ‘down to earth’ practical love and kindness. As the pandemic continues to take its course, its important that we are conscious of such people around us and doing things that would bring succour and needed support to help their survival and well-being. We need to place them and ourselves into God’s hands.

Saint Paul said this to the community of Philippi;

‘Whatever is true, whatever is honourable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is gracious, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise,think about these things…and the God of peace will be with you.’ (Philippians 4:8)

In the words of St Teresa of Avila;

Let nothing disturb you,

Let nothing frighten you,

All things are passing away:

God never changes.

Patience obtains all things

Whoever has God lacks nothing;

God alone suffices.

Please continue to look after one another and if you need any help or support then contact your pastoral visitor or minister.

Take care and stay safe.

With the prayers and good wishes of the Bede Methodist Circuit Staff

Revd Huw Sperring.


Worship Online Sunday 10 May at 10.30am


Morning Prayer weekly on Wednesday at 10am