Words from Bede Circuit
Dear friends,
Hope this letter finds you well.
The lockdown has certainly changed our patterns of life both personally and as a church. We have had to readapt, change our routines, we have been restricted from doing what we would have normally taken for granted. We are sure that, just like us, you have been doing a lot of reflecting and soul searching. We have had to see how best we can stay in contact with each other and how we can worship God. But of course what we have missed is seeing each other face to face.
Church meetings, Staff meetings, Circuit Leadership Teams, Bible Studies, Prayer meetings, Local Preachers and Worship Leaders meeting, Circuit Leadership, worshipping at home, pastoral calls and conversations have continued as well as conversations with individuals and these have contributed in understanding what church is and how church has been alive and active during this pandemic.
The ongoing conversation is when can we reopen? What will church be like ? Where is God leading us? How long can we last financially? These are some of the many questions we have been asked. But you have also said how much you have appreciated the services, online, by letter, and the phoning around asking how you are.
To help us move forward as a circuit and as local churches we are daily looking at the guidelines which are on the Methodist Church website and during this week of the Methodist Conference we await further guidelines to be issued. In fact in the June edition of Property matters it clearly states, `Before we consider the practical aspects of reopening our church buildings, it is important that we take time to reflect.`
What is clear is that it isn’t going to be straightforward and we of course have to maintain social distancing at all times.
As we write this, social distancing means:
Staying apart from each other: At the moment the suggested space apart indoors is 2 meters, and we need to keep our distance and not have physical contact with each other.
Keep indoor areas well ventilated.
Clean surfaces and spaces where others have touched after every use.
Every time we enter a building, we must use hand sanitiser/ wash our hands.
Wearing face masks (at the moment for using public transport, the doctors, hospitals etc.)
We are being told that singing can spread the virus further than just talking.
Public toilets including church toilets, need to be cleaned well after every use.
We cannot hug, touch, shake hands.
Before opening our doors we need to prepare risk assessments.
With all these in mind, can we invite you to imagine what returning to our church buildings might look like? If you, like us, are dreaming of the day when we can hug or shake hands, and we expect to recover this as soon as we enter the church buildings, we shall be disappointed.
The guidelines offered need to be worked through carefully. It will a long time before we can worship together as we have been used to.
We want to obviously ensure that when our church doors do open we know it is safe.
Please be assured that we long for the day when we can gather together. But however long it takes be assured that God is still with us and His church and the work of His kingdom continues.
With our continued love and prayers
Jane Carter and The Circuit Staff Team
1. When will you be comfortable to gather with the others to worship in a church building? (please circle your answer)
a) As soon as the government says so
b) When there is a vaccine
c) When ALL will be able to come
d) Other- Please tell us in your own words
2.What is it that you want to happen when you re-enter the building for worship?
a) To have fellowship/be close to others
b) Keep the same format as before
c) Be open to new ways of being together (i.e. Zoom circuit events and services, online worship for those who do not attend church buildings, etc)
d) Have a BIG celebration with all present
e) Other- Please tell us in your own words
3. Bearing in mind the fact that all is unknown and always changing, what is the earliest date you think we should return to our buildings?
4. What is it that God has been doing/ showing you during this lockdown time?
Please respond via e-mail or by post to your minister.