Words from Bede Circuit

Dear Friends

This week I had to call 999!

I was walking the dog around the park near the children’s school, when I heard an almighty boom and smoke could be seen rising from the floor of the play park. This had been set on fire by some of the local children, after which they threw the aerosol can into the flames, which caused the explosion, unsurprisingly they ran off.

The fire brigade attended within 10 minutes of me calling the emergency services. They quickly extinguished the flames. They attended in a small minibus type vehicle, which was their targeted response vehicle.

Sometimes I think we can fall into the trap of wanting or needing God to be like an emergency service in our lives, often turning to God only when we have a need and with a shopping list of requests.

However, God is far greater than just someone who we turn to in our times of need. God, by Gods very nature, is incarnational, both fully human and fully divine. God Knows what it means to have human emotions, feelings of hurt and anguish, joy, and laughter.

God always has been and always will be, God is the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and end.

God always has been present and always will be present with us. God knows all about us, every hair on our head, every word we will utter before it leaves our lips.

God is with us in our questions, our anger, our sadness, and pain. God is with us in our loneliness, in our distress, in our happy times, and in our times of mountain peak experiences and in our low moments too.

So I encourage each of us, rather than constantly dialling 999 to God, to look for the presence of God being active with us each and every day in our lives, in the ordinary small things of life, seeking to form every closer relationships with God, just as we would with others that we may call friend.

I find it a comfort as I hope you do too, to know that when I weep God weeps with me, when I feel my heart is breaking Gods heart is breaking too. When I laugh God laughs with me, and when I come to God in prayer, God is present beside me, within me and in my words.

So this week, may you be aware of God’s presence with you, and may you take comfort from our ever loving, ever present incarnational God, who never ever leaves us or forsakes us, and knows us better than we know ourselves.

Our meetings/services continue on Zoom

Bible studies resume on Mondays 7.00pm and Thursday at 10.30am. We will be studying the book of Philippians during September.

Sunday worship at 10.30am

Wednesday Morning prayer at 10am

There are other services on Why Pay Telephone Conference (Please contact the Senior Church Steward (Brenda Wallace) for more details: wesleymemchurch.pr@gmail.com) and please do use the Sunday service sheet.

With love

Rev.Matt Sheard, on behalf of the Bede Circuit staff team.


Words from Bede Circuit


Words from Bede Circuit