Words from Bede Circuit

Over the last few weeks as I have popped in Aldi (Other supermarkets are available!) I have found myself having a few conversations with one man who works on the checkout.

I have been hearing about the trials and tribulations of him preparing the ground, digging it out and then trying to lay the base of his new green house.

This act of DIY has been beset by problems. In the first instalment, he had the wrong tools for the job.

Secondly, he was having trouble as he had measured it wrong. There had been some miscommunications with himself and his friend about whether they were working in metric or imperial.

Thirdly, he was having issues around getting the glass cut to the right size that he would need for his greenhouse. This was the week he also has a bandage on his hand after he had tried to cut the glass himself, in preparation for after the base was laid.

Finally, I found myself deciding on my following visit as to whether I should go through his till that week as this would certainly mean another instalment, or should I avoid his checkout because of the time pressure I was under.

In the end he spotted me 2 people back in the queue, my choice was fixed, we had caught eyes and so the choice was made. As he scanned through the checkout my carrots, potatoes, bread, milk, toothpaste, I once again found myself embroiled in the saga of the green house base.

This time the ground on which he was preparing the space for his green house had collapsed a little so in the end he thought better of it and did not continue with his plans. He told me that he has bought an easy to assemble cold frame instead!

In the parable of the two builders, we hear Jesus talking of two men who decided to build their houses on completely different ground. One on soft ground that would easily give way and had no foundation on which to build, whilst the second man built his house on good solid ground that would allow good solid foundations to be laid and built upon.

Of course, in this story, Jesus was using this parable to illustrate a point. Jesus was trying to show us that it is on God that we must build our lives to give us the basis of good solid foundations within our lives.

So, this week, I want to encourage each of us to be wise builders of the kingdom of God. The God with whom we can always place our trust, the God on whom we can build to give us the secure foundations in our lives and faith.

Bible Studies continue on Thursdays at 7pm. We are studying Mark’s Gospel as part of Bible Month.

With Prayers and Best Wishes
Rev Matt Sheard 
On behalf of Bede Methodist Circuit Ministry Team


Words from Bede Circuit


Words from Bede Circuit