Sunday Services during September
The church is pleased to restart weekly Sunday Worship and extends a warm welcome to you all.
The preachers are as follows:
5th - Rev Jane Carter
12th - Rev Huw Sperring with Holy Communion
19th - Rev Judith Oldroyd
26th - Mr Vince Lamb, Local Preacher
There is no need to book a place to attend worship at Wesley.
In order to keep everyone safe the Church asks you to follow these recommendations;
The Church will open 10 minutes prior to the service to minimise the time spent inside.
Hand sanitisers must be used on entry to, and exit from, the church buildings.
You should wear a face mask to enter church buildings then remove it once you are seated.
Keep a 1 metre physical distance.
Test and Trace - you will be asked to confirm your name and contact details. In case it becomes necessary to track and test.
The collection basket will not be passed around, so you can leave donations in the basket on entering the church, or speak to the Treasurer about setting up a Standing Order for monthly payment via a bank account.
At the end of the service please remain in your pew until directed to leave by a steward and use the sanitiser on the way out.
Any interaction with others should take place outside, be socially distanced and kept to a minimum.