Situated in Low Fell, Gateshead, Wesley Memorial is a lively Methodist Church. We meet for worship at 10:30am every Sunday alongside our Younger Church, as well as providing facilities to bring the community together. 

Nov : Thoughts from Huw

Nov : Thoughts from Huw

Dear Friends

Hope you are keeping well.

On the first of November we celebrate the feast of All Saints, we honour in a special way the ‘little’ saints, that is those who will never be officially canonised. The saints show us what human beings are capable of. They show us that good is more natural to us than evil. It is good to be reminded that human beings have such potential.

Holding up a mirror

There are people who have a steady flame shining from deep inside them.
The flame is not extinguished when others criticise or ignore them,
for it is not dependent on what others think of them;
it is what they think of themselves with a quiet certainty.
Each of us can behave in either of two ways;
we can behave like a saint or a sinner.
We help people more by giving them a favourable image of themselves
than by constantly harping on their faults.
The saints hold up a mirror before us.
In this mirror we get a most favourable image of ourselves.
We see what we are capable of.
All we need is the will to walk in the light of what we have seen.

With all good wishes and prayers

God Bless

Free Tea/Coffee from Wesley Outreach

Free Tea/Coffee from Wesley Outreach

Oct: Thoughts from Huw

Oct: Thoughts from Huw