Words from Bede Circuit
Dear Friends
Every now and again in the life of our churches we get what I call a God given opportunity to serve others.
Let me explain- When doing faith sharing/mission courses one passage which is usually used is the passage in Acts Ch 8 – Philip and the Ethiopian eunuch. Philip is sent by God to journey on the road from Jerusalem. On this road is an Ethiopian eunuch travelling from Jerusalem on his way home. The two meet and it ends up with Philip baptising the eunuch on the roadside. It all seems so easy- and yet in other ways it is and God gives us opportunities to serve, to share, to listen, to be Christ in many situations. Whether we are willing, to serve, listen, to share is another matter.
As I write this letter myself, Huw, Matt Sheard, Matt Barrick, Sharon Lee have just met with Tracey Hume our District Community Engagement Enabler. She has been approached by Gateshead Council who are asking for help from faith communities. Wonderful.
They are asking churches in what they have classed as `priority places’ within Gateshead if they can be used to help people who are struggling with fuel poverty. There is a trial over the summer months and then hopefully this will then feed into what will be an important piece of work over the winter. Grants will be available for this.
The council are wanting to find places, churches who will welcome people to come to be warm. To serve a hot drink, a cup of soup, a meal. A place to meet others, a place to charge mobile phones. Monthly community lunches can be part of this if there is a willingness to offer this welcome.
I have come away from this meeting thinking – this a God given opportunity paid for by the Council to help people who are having to make choices about how they use or do not use fuel. People are already asking foodbanks for foods which don’t require heating, of needing hot water, or microwaved.
Conversations will take place in some churches which have been highlighted but it may be a piece of mission work you would like to offer to help with, particularly if more provision is needed over the winter months.
Is God inviting you to serve in this way? Please let me know.
It is certain this situation will not ease quickly and we can be used by God to help.
Please pray for people, families, elderly people, men, women and children who are having to make difficult decisions about heat, about food, about survival.
With love