Situated in Low Fell, Gateshead, Wesley Memorial is a lively Methodist Church. We meet for worship at 10:30am every Sunday alongside our Younger Church, as well as providing facilities to bring the community together. 

Words from Bede Circuit

Words from Bede Circuit

Dear Friends,

Every few months I meet with a Spiritual Accompanist whose role is to help me to reflect upon my own spiritual journey. Three weeks ago, I was reflecting with her on Mark 6:31,

“Then, because so many people were coming and going that they did not even have a chance to eat, He (Jesus) said to them, “Come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest.”

I explained to her that recently this verse seems to have cropped  up at every turn! In its context, Jesus had called the disciples and they had been sent out in twos on mission and had returned, having healed many people. They were tired but people were coming back for more, making greater demands on their time and patience, clearly ragged around the edges. Jesus recognised it but He did not demand more of them but instead, looked at them with understanding and love and told them they needed some time out. Time to be quiet and rest. Getting tired is part of our human condition and nothing to be ashamed of. After discussing this my accompanist suggested, “Perhaps this a word from God not just for you but the people of the churches.”  So, at a recent South Shields Cluster service, I used it as the theme for that service.

The pandemic has tired us all out and the world has changed and is changing – so is the Church. Of the four churches of which I had pastoral charge, Westoe ceased to meet at Easter and Harton will do so in the autumn. Alongside that the South Shields churches have all agreed to become one church and we await the District completing a feasibility study to work out the next steps, which building etc. All of that can make us feel anxious and tired! The shape of our circuit is changing too. Last Sunday, I was at the final service at St Mark’s, Gateshead and Kibblesworth has its final service on 7th August. From September there will be slightly different responsibilities for both ordained and lay circuit staff.

August is traditionally the month where people often take holidays or a break from the norm and I wonder, if God is inviting us all to, “Come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest.” An opportunity to rest and reflect as we grow in discipleship and prayer; to build a vision and work out what our circuit and churches’ mission and outreach is and will be – into the future.

If you are able to, I invite you, as I intend to, to take up Jesus’ invitation…

Be still and know that I am God.
I am the Lord who saves and heals.
In you, 0 Lord, I put my trust.

(STF 18: Based on Psalm 46: 10-11)

Wednesday prayers on Zoom will continue during the summer at 10.00am

Rev Deborah Wainwright
On behalf of the Bede Circuit Staff Team

Words from Bede Circuit

Words from Bede Circuit

Church Flowers

Church Flowers