Wesley Blog
We want our blog to capture life at Wesley and it's community. We want to hear your stories! We'll write it for you or you can write a guest blog piece :)
Creative-minded? We’re looking for young people to get involved. Fancy making content for our website/blog or photographing events? Get in touch with our Web & Social Media Manager if this sounds like you :)
February: Thoughts from Huw
Nothing so marks the passing of time as does the passing of the seasons…..
Nov: Thoughts from Huw
This is a story about a little girl, who, whilst her parents were not looking, stole a poppy from a Remembrance Memorial. She and her sister climbed the Memorial steps and noticed a wreath, faded but still garlanded with poppies, before her elder sister could stop her, the little girl had reached out a hand and taken a flower
October: Thoughts from Huw
I have been challenged by reading the parables of the lost sheep, a lost coin and a lost son. The stories are in Luke’s Gospel Ch15 v1-32. The parables teach us something of how God feels about us with all our imperfections and follies.