The Marriage and Relationship Report was discussed at the 2019 Conference and was commended for study and prayerful discussion. During January and February the District are facilitating 12 consultations in different places at different times. Please attend whichever one will be most convenient to you. This newsletter provides you with information relating to these consultations and the ways that you can reflect before the gatherings. It is important that everyone who attends the consultations have read a copy of the report 'God In Love Unites'. There are still copies of these in the District office and if you contact a copy will be sent to you. If you would like to order more copies these can be ordered here. Alternatively, you can download a copy here It is a hefty report so don’t worry if you don’t quite grasp all that it is saying as the team facilitating the consultations will give a resume of each section.
To assist you with reading the report please use the Connexional Study Guide We are also sharing this additional study guide from the Cumbria District because it contains some of the key Biblical texts giving various interpretations of them. These study guides will help you to prepare for the consultation as this is a consultation on the report and not simply a general discussion on marriage and relationships.
We also have a recording of the report and if anyone would like the sound file contact myself at the above email or tel. 0191 4901626.
A particular reminder to Synod reps that it is essential that you attend at least one consultation as at Synod we will be hearing the feedback from the consultations before we vote and we won’t be going through all the consultation questions again.