Bede Update re worship during the restrictions

Dear Friends

This week’s letter explaining how we will continue to operate as church during the restrictions placed upon us all by our Government as we meet the challenges of the coronavirus. On Monday evening, the Prime Minister issued a way forward that we must all follow (with regular updates since). This week some of you will have received letters telling you to self-isolate for 12 weeks. Each day the Methodist Church updates its guidance as to how this affects the Methodist Church; please follow by going onto the website. Given the latest guidelines about “lock down”, the circuit staff have agreed, reluctantly, that until the restrictions about staying at home are lifted, it will not be possible, after all to send out a weekly service sheet and letter by post or hand delivered. However, these can and will be sent out by email to all those for whom we have email addresses. My colleagues and I are doing our best to secure as many as possible. So, if you know someone who has email please let your minister know and, if they don’t usually use it, then please encourage them to do so!

It is amazing how people are finding different ways of being church, including keeping in touch by telephone, on social media but also setting time aside together to pray individually at home but as one Body. The circuit offered a live worship on Sunday via Zoom and it is hoped this will continue at 10.30am each Sunday. If you are new to Zoom, follow this link to download the software (free) so that you can access the service Once you get to the log in screen - meeting ID & password are required (please contact Church Steward . These will be the same each week for up to 7 weeks from 5 April. Have your camera and sound switched on ready.

For those without internet, there are Sunday services on TV and radio. Please help us to direct people to something they can easily tap into. For those who have access to Facebook, information will be posted on the Bede Circuit page and other local church pages. We ask that you continue to be aware of those among our church family who may feel isolated. Continue to phone one another and check up on people. For those who are concerned about shopping etc and have no family nearby please let your pastoral visitor or minister know so that something can be arranged to help.

There are many concerns we each face, but I have been asked to include here that, because our churches are closed, many are concerned at the income that will be lost through weekly lettings and offerings. It has been suggested that when you worship in your home on Sundays that you consider still making your weekly offering. Some of you may already do that by Standing Order and we thank you for that. If you don’t, then would you consider setting up a standing order, sending a cheque to your church treasurer or asking for weekly envelopes, which could be saved up and brought to church later? If you need more information on any of this then please ask someone (a minister, treasurer or church steward).

We have received some prayer requests and those are added to the end of this week’s service sheet. If you have any concerns or questions, please do not hesitate to contact your minister, lay worker or pastoral visitor. The circuit staff continue to be in regular contact so that we can together ensure everyone is cared for and held in prayer. With my love and prayers,

Rev Deborah Wainwright, South Shields Clust


Live streaming of Worship


Celtic Prayer