Words from Bede Circuit
Dear Friends,
As some of you may be aware, I have an eye condition called keratoconus. This is a condition that affects the cornea in the eye. My cornea is not smooth but is bumpy like the craters of the moon.
This means that the light that enters my eye does not refract into my eye properly. I need special rigid gas permeable prescription contact lenses to correct this problem.
Without the lenses, my eyesight is poor, but with them I have excellent vision.
After the church council at Glebe the other week, my eyes were dry and tired, and as I left church my right lens fell out of my eye and onto the ground.
It was like looking for a needle in a haystack as we were effectively looking for a piece of plastic smaller than a smartie.
Unfortunately, both myself and Jean my senior Steward from Glebe failed in our mission to locate the missing lens. This meant I had to drive home with one eye shut (an interesting experience and not one I would recommend!)
I am pleased to report that my replacement lens has now arrived, and I am able to see clearly again.
So why am I telling you this story?
As advent approaches this year and as we are now 3 months into our new church year, I simply want to ask us as a circuit together, us as individual churches and us as individual followers of Jesus what is it that we need to see afresh. See a new?
Do we need to change our lenses from the ones we had previously to a different lens that enables us to see and notice God at work in our lives?
This week and as we prepare ourselves for advent, may we be open to Gods renewing, refreshing, love and peace and may we truly know who it is that we are preparing to meet once again,
May God give us eyes to see, hearts to respond and words to speak the good news we pray.
Circuit Online Advent Service 1st December 2021 7pm
Online Bible studies continue each Thursday night at 7pm
With prayers and best wishes
Rev Matt Sheard
On behalf of Circuit staff team