Situated in Low Fell, Gateshead, Wesley Memorial is a lively Methodist Church. We meet for worship at 10:30am every Sunday alongside our Younger Church, as well as providing facilities to bring the community together. 

Words from Bede Circuit

Dear Friends

These last few months I have been involved in conversations with a number of churches about the future. To close, to join with others and forming a new church, to start a new project. I recognise how difficult it has been for many faithful people, and we do indeed give thanks for the work that has been done in the past, the present and into the future.

So what’s happening…..

In September a new circuit project will start at Kibblesworth, working with families in the village, building upon the work Sharon Lee and Ian Stimpson have done.

The youth ministry at St Mark’s will continue for another year, but hoping that we can build on this work and extend it through the work of Matt Barrick. Matt will also continue to work at St Luke’s and Wrekenton. We do need volunteers for this work.

Ian Stimpson will be working at Grace Place to create and develop a faith community with those who use Grace Place. He will work alongside Emma Iesals, the manager at Grace Place.

Sharon Lee, as well as working at Kibblesworth will be continuing Mainly Music but at Sheriff Hill, and is interested in a sharing this ministry with any churches in the circuit.

Lorna continues to work alongside Deborah in the South Shields section as they look ahead to see where God is leading the churches in this place. Sue Mason will continue as Circuit Administrator.

Also from September the new circuit office will be at St Luke’s. Hebburn. It will be open every Wednesday morning and Thursday morning.

The changes in the ordained staff will also start- St Luke’s shared by myself and Huw, Deborah will be minister at Monkton Park, Windy Nook will be shared with myself and Paul Worsnop. Felling & Wesley will continue to have Huw as their minister. Matt Sheard will also continue working with the Kibblesworth project.

As I write this letter I ask for your prayers for all those who will be involved in all these changes, I ask you to pray for all the lay staff and ordained staff. I ask your prayers for those who find this difficult.

It is true that change can be unsettling, but I hope and pray that we can work through this together and supporting and looking over one another in love.

With my prayers
Jane- on behalf of the staff team

Words from Bede Circuit

Words from Bede Circuit

Words from Bede Circuit

Words from Bede Circuit