Situated in Low Fell, Gateshead, Wesley Memorial is a lively Methodist Church. We meet for worship at 10:30am every Sunday alongside our Younger Church, as well as providing facilities to bring the community together. 

Words from Bede Circuit

Words from Bede Circuit

Dear Friends

Within this next week we will mark the beginning of a New Methodist Year. The date when ministers who have moved start new ministries, the date when we ourselves will mark changes within our circuit staff and churches. So a happy New Year.

In my last letter I wrote of the changes which are taking place within in our circuit and asked for your prayers.

At the beginning of August we met as a Circuit Meeting to look at the Youth project which runs at St Mark’s. We agreed for this to continue in the building, even though St Mark’s will have ceased to meet. This work then becomes the responsibility of the circuit meeting. We have worked to get funding to cover this.

At this meeting I said I would be coming back to the meeting in September to ask for volunteers who would help in the oversight of this work and to look at the options available to us for the building.

As I write this letter I haven’t had any volunteers come forward.

If we are to move forward with this work we do need help with this. It is not something we can ask circuit stewards to oversee as they have other issues they are dealing with.

Please if you are interested in this could you please contact me.

At the circuit meeting we heard testimony of how youth ministry brought people into the life of the church and more importantly to a faith in Jesus. It is valuable, important work.

Is God calling you? prompting, nudging?

I look forward to hearing from you

With my prayers
Jane Carter - on behalf of the staff team

Sept: Thoughts from Huw

Sept: Thoughts from Huw

Words from Bede Circuit