Wesley Blog
We want our blog to capture life at Wesley and it's community. We want to hear your stories! We'll write it for you or you can write a guest blog piece :)
Creative-minded? We’re looking for young people to get involved. Fancy making content for our website/blog or photographing events? Get in touch with our Web & Social Media Manager if this sounds like you :)
February: Thoughts from Huw
Dear Friends
This month Lent begins and we think of Jesus being led into the wilderness. He was tempted there to go away from the work God wanted him to do. He was tempted by the attraction of power, wealth and popularity. This was the time he spent strengthening himself for his future work: for his preaching, healing, concern for people- work which would lead him to death on the cross. He needed this time to deepen the choices he had already made. He was led into the desert by the Spirit; God wanted him there.
Dec/Jan: Thoughts from Huw
Dear Friends,
Advent is the season of expectation and preparation for Christmas. We must stand aside from the mad rush of commercialism, and to quietly contemplate the wonder of God`s love in the Christ Child. Have you ever thought about the many strands that go to make up the celebration of Christmas?
November: Thoughts from Huw
Dear Friends
It is very easy in the day by day life of the Church in a Circuit such as ours, to miss the wood for the trees. What I mean is that so much of our time is given (and rightly given) to administration, finance, upkeep of buildings and much else besides. Those who serve on Church Councils will know how much of our regular agenda is concerned with these and similar issues.